Farm Without Harm is a bold, system-wide strategy and action plan which has been developed by the agricultural sector, for the agricultural sector.
In 2021 Safer Farms commissioned this work in response to the concerning and persistent rates of harm experienced by those working on farms. SaferFarms did this because it was clear that on the current trajectory, minimal change would come - not to act would conflict with the culture of care inherent across the Agricultural industry.
Farm Without Harm is about farming leaders, supporting farming people to protect each other from preventable harm. It’s a sector wide strategy, and commitment, to drive practical changes that prevent physical and mental harm to our farming whānau. Sign the pledge and play your part in reducing the human toll in producing food and fibre in New Zealand.

The four key harm focus areas identified are:
Psychosocial risks resulting in diminished wellbeing
Harm experienced while working in and around vehicles and mobile plant
Muscular stress and injury caused by livestock handling
Harm caused by exposure to agricultural chemicals and airborne risks.
Harm on farms is a complex problem and not a problem those working on farm could solve alone. To achieve our vision, therefore, requires collective, coordinated, and sustained effort across the Agricultural system. It requires those working on farms to look after themselves and their people, supported by broader influencers including a supply chain, sector and government that puts people first in all decision making.
A strategy and action plan has been developed to allow the people living and working on farms to flourish on safe, healthy, sustainable, and productive farms.