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Crush Protection Device Provides Farmers with a 'Space for Survival'

Safer Farms

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

Safer Farms is reinforcing the value of crush protection devices (CPDs) on quad bikes and urging farmers to take advantage of a cash back offer.

Quad bikes contribute significantly to on farm fatalities. A CPD is specially designed to reduce the chance of serious injury or death in the event of a roll over.

Safer Farms is today launching ‘Control the Roll’ — a new campaign to raise awareness for the lifesaving cash back intiative currently available via ACC. A CPD creates a gap when it rolls over and meets the ground, taking the impact of the bike and keeping it off the operator laying underneath it. This increases the chance of a positive outcome for the operator in the event the quad bike rolls over.

The ACC cash back offer allows farmers to receive $180 (plus GST) cash back on up to two devices, including the Quadbar, Quadbar Flexi, and ATV Lifeguard CPDs.

Safer Farms Chairperson Lindy Nelson firmly supports the initiative and says they’re installing CPDs on the quad bikes on their Wairarapa farm.

“As a wife, I want to know my husband is going to come home safely. As an employer, I want to know we have done everything we can, practically, to look after the people on our farm.

“There’s a known increase in stress on farmers at the moment due to regulations, supply chain, COVID-19 disruption and labour shortages. The numbers show that just under a quarter of on-farm injuries are caused when we’re tired, overworked and under pressure. As farmers grapple with all these external stresses there’s simply never been a more important time to prioritise our on-farm safety.”

This view is shared by Farlie farmer Andrew Hurst, who has been saved twice by his CPD and puts an emphasis on staff health and safety.

“They have helmets, roll-over protection and well-maintained motorbikes. I want to make sure I’ve done everything I can to make sure they get home safely; I’ve done as much as I can to protect them,” he says.

CPDs were previously deemed a personal choice by Worksafe back in 2014, but a thorough review of the research led them to take a firmer stance. They now “strongly recommend” the use of professionally designed and manufactured CPDs on the back of quad bikes, alongside training, maintenance, protective gear, and careful use.

Nelson believes “Every farmer in the country will know someone, or have been themselves, in a serious accident involving a quad bike. This cash back offer is a great incentive to increase our protection.” To learn more, or apply for the ACC cash back go to



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